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視覚伝達デザイン学科 修了・卒業制作展 2024 展示図録

Book Design

Musashino Art University


A catalog compiling all student works. Designed in A5 format, with a rounded spine hardcover and four distinct cover designs. Crafted with a minimalistic and elegant aesthetic, ensuring it remains a cherished piece even a decade from now. Possibly the first in the history of Visual Communication Design Department archives to employ vertical text layout. A stoic composition resembling a wall, with no indentation below the text. Student and faculty portraits are rendered in halftone, creating a visual connection to the main design elements.

  • Client

    Musashino Art University

  • Year


  • Size


  • Typefaces

    Ro, NPG, MT Grotesque, neue Serie57

  • Book Design

    Shunsuke Kudo, Sae Yamada

  • Support

    Haruka Kamagata, Kaori Osawa, Moeka Hamatani, Miyu Yajima, Sae Yamada

  • Portrait Photography Direction

    Yuika Sada

  • Portrait Photography

    Akari Inoue, Haruka Kamagata, Yuika Sada, Yuka Sawa, Nao Sugimoto, Momoha Seki

  • Proofreading

    Prof. Keiko Saito, Honami Taira

  • Design Adviser

    Prof. Yoshihisa Shirai

  • Photography

    Leo Arimoto